Sunday, September 5, 2010

What is the meaning of life? Fr Alexander Men

The question is simple, brief and clear. Made in the image and likeness of the Creator, man finds meaning in life as he draws near to his Prototype. This is both the meaning and the goal. You see when we open up the Kingdom within us, Eternity begins to speak in us. And then we raise ourselves above vain pursuits, we cease to be slaves of circumstance, and we bravely stand against misfortunes which bring us down. This is not because we're indifferent or cold. The Christian isn't a stoic; he can suffer, but endures his sufferings through God's strength and not his own. In this way the meaning and goal of life is a forward and upward progression. It is not complacency,as some might think. We think of complacency as a rose-colored attitude towards our surroundings, when we close our eyes to evil and think that everything is wonderful. That's not how it is. Man must understand the tragic nature of life; he must look upon this tragic nature with his eyes open and at the same time remain standing—indeed not only remain standing, but move ever onwards and upwards. Our life becomes meaningful only as we move upwards, despite the fact that physically and mentally we descend as we grow older and weaker.


Anonymous said...

"to be slaves of circumstance" - this is so common lately isn't it?? that, young people especially, believe in the energy of 'the universe' somehow becoming so carried away by this whole idea that it is indeed "a rose-colored attitude towards our surroundings, when we close our eyes to evil and think that everything is wonderful." But how does one in the world wake up from this self destructing sleep??

Orthodox Christian Resources said...

My friend, what is the remedy, you ask, to this self-destruction?

It is asceticism, frugality, denying yourself, making the pain of others your own and having a deep respect for your environment.

Living an Orthodox Christian life IS the cure.

It is following Him Who said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life". He meant this quite literally.

The Blogger Formerly Known As Lvka said...

What is the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is... a priest with an out-stretched hand? :)